Missing Maps is a project led by a collective of organizations working towards a common goal of creating accessible map data where humanitarian organizations are operating. Each member organization carries out their own mapping activities with their wider communities guided by shared ethics. Missing Maps would be nothing without this collaboration of participating organizations, communities and individuals. To achieve this goal, Missing Maps organizations grow a global community of mappers to support those living in places at risk as they put themselves on the map. OpenStreetMap is the volunteer-driven open data mapping platform which makes all of this possible, supported by the not-for-profit OpenStreetMap Foundation. Welcome to the community!
People always come before data. All Missing Maps activities will take into account the best interests and rights of the community and individuals, before adding data to OSM.
All Missing Maps project activities are guided by the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence. We follow the HOT code of conduct.
Open under the ODbL license: Respecting the guidelines and best practices of the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) and OSM, Missing Maps project member organizations ensure that all non-sensitive data gathered under the Missing Maps project banner will be free, open and available for use.
Open to all tool creators: Any creation of Missing Maps project methodology, tools, software or technology by Missing Maps project member organizations will be open source and enable global volunteer network contribution.
Open to all voices and perspectives: All Missing Maps project activities are designed to be accessible and open for participation for individuals, communities and organizations who want to contribute towards the Missing Maps project objectives.
Whenever possible, Missing Maps project activities are undertaken in collaboration with local individuals, communities, and organizations and in a respectful manner at all times.
Missing Maps project activities will build sustainable local capacity, and will ensure access to open mapping community tools and technology, and provide access to training for individuals and communities they work with.
The Missing Maps community will work together to share, develop, improve and implement mapping and data collection processes.
Missing Maps member organizations will support, grow and learn from the global network of digital humanitarian volunteers.
Missing Maps member organizations will ensure that quality assurance and control processes are in place for all of their activities. We are cautious about rapid data collection without significant local participation, and always make efforts to ensure local access.
Membership of the the Missing Maps Project is open to any NGO, educational establishment or civil society group willing to contribute to the goals, and abide by the ethics, stated above. Approval of membership is the responsibility of the current member organisations.
If you are interested in putting an organisation forward for membership, please contact us using the form below.
We appreciate that Missing Maps activities are often community-organized, whether it is by the existing OSM communities or by local communities of Missing Maps volunteers.
This led us to make available an editable version of the Missing Maps logo, so the communities can adapt it adding their country, or city.
Missing Maps is made possible thanks to the following organizations.
OpenStreetMap is the volunteer-driven open data mapping platform which makes all of this possible, supported by the not-for-profit OpenStreetMap Foundation.